Manor Primary School


Subject Leader: Mrs New

Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

English Curriculum Intent 

English Curriculum Overview

DfE - English Primary National Curriculum 2013

Progression Maps 

Whole School Writing Curriculum Overview 

Reading Progression Map

Progression in Handwriting 

Progression in Spoken Language 

Supporting your Child at Home 

7 Top Tips to Support Reading at Home


Writing Progression Counts - September 2019


Reading in Key Stage 2

At Manor, year groups in Key Stage 2 follow the Schofield and Sims Complete Comprehension scheme of work. The scheme covers a wide range of poetry, fiction and non-fiction texts, developing children’s vocabulary, inference and deduction, prediction, explanation, retrieval, summarising and sequencing skills. Each week, each year group focuses on one text over the course of three lessons. The lessons are designed in a way that introduces the text first, allowing the children to develop their vocabulary and to make connections between the text and their existing knowledge. The children are then guided through modelled questions by the class teacher in order to learn the skills needed to be a fluent and confident reader. Finally, the class answer a range of questions about the text to show the skills that they have developed. Reading lessons are supplemented by daily ‘Story time’ sessions, with the teacher reading to the class a range of texts for pure enjoyment, further developing a love of reading. Children will also read to each other and to members of staff throughout the week.

PiXL Primary assessments are used at different points throughout the year in order to assess children’s attainment and reading speed. This data is then used by teachers to inform planning and class interventions.

Please see below for further details of the reading skills covered in Key Stage 2.

key stage 2 skills deskmat 1 .pdf


"Reading is central to the school’s curriculum.

Children in the Nursery Year develop their vocabulary and listening skills well. The teaching of phonics starts as soon as children join the Reception Year. Leaders have implemented an ambitious curriculum that introduces pupils to phonics in a systematic way. Staff deliver this curriculum well, and they assess pupils’ reading skills accurately. Teachers ensure that pupils learn phonics in a well-ordered manner.


Adults quickly identify any pupils at risk of falling behind in their phonics knowledge. Staff give these pupils timely and effective support. Teachers provide lots of opportunities for pupils to read or to listen to stories. This improves pupils’ knowledge and understanding of vocabulary.


In key stage 2, well-designed reading sessions expose pupils to lots of different types of books. Pupils talked with enthusiasm about the books that they have read. This has helped to promote pupils’ love of reading."

- Ofsted, March 2023

Phonics and Early Reading Policy 2023 

Supporting Struggling Readers Strategy



At Manor Primary School, we believe it is children’s right and entitlement to be fluent readers by the time they are 7. Due to this belief, we ensure we have the right support in place, so that every child can achieve the age expected milestones and ‘crack the code of reading’ and therefore go on to develop a love of books and access to a wide and enriching curriculum. 


 We use 'Little Wandle' letters and sounds to support our delivery of high quality phonics throughout Reception and Key Stage 1. 

From the first full week in Autumn 1, ALL pupils in Reception commence Phase 2 phonics. Children will be monitored closely and ’keep up’ sessions to close gaps delivered daily.

 All reception and KS1 classes teach whole class phonics to ensure the same high expectations for all pupils and ensure that no children get left behind. 4 sounds are taught per week with one day a week for consolidation

Manor Primary school only use the Little Wandle—Letters and Sounds and school approved formats and resources for the teaching of phonics to maintain consistency for our children.

 Support for Parents

Pronunciation Guidance

 Year 1 Phonics Check

Reading Spine

EYFS - F1 - Reading Spine, Teaching Books & Author List 

EYFS - F2 - Reading Spine, Teaching Books & Author List

Year 1 Recommended Reads 

Year 2 Recommended Reads

Year 3 Recommended Reads

Year 4 Recommended Reads

Year 5 Recommended Reads 

Year 6 Recommended Reads