Manor Primary School

Religious Education

We may have different religions, different languages, different coloured skin, but we all belong to one human race.

- Kofi Annan 


At Manor Primary school, we believe that it is important for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the diverse world around them. For this reason we have chosen to follow Kapow's Curriculum for Religious Education and Worldviews. 
Kapow Primary’s Religion and worldviews curriculum aims to develop deep thinkers who are open-minded about religion and worldviews. Our R&W curriculum is relevant to pupils, reflecting and preparing them for life in modern Britain. Through the scheme, children will secure a deep understanding of concepts in order to be able to make connections, ask and respond to challenging questions, learn to respect and appreciate worldviews that are different to their own and consider their personal preconceptions, responses and views. Children will build their conceptual knowledge through studying religions and worldviews locally, nationally and globally in our progressive curriculum, enabling them to make links and connections between worldviews, develop disciplinary skills and build on their understanding of their positionality in relation to their learning . By revisiting key ‘big questions’ and building on prior knowledge, pupils will learn about how religion and worldviews are lived experiences across the world, consider the impact of worldviews on society and have opportunities to consider their personal worldviews.


Reflecting the findings of the Ofsted Research review series: religious education (May 2021), our scheme has the following three strands running through it:

✔ Substantive knowledge (conceptual and worldviews related).

✔ Disciplinary knowledge.

✔ Personal knowledge.

These strands are interwoven across all units to create lessons that build children’s conceptual knowledge and understanding of religion and worldviews (substantive knowledge) and use a range of disciplinary lenses (ways of knowing).

Children will also be equipped to explore and express their preconceptions, personal worldviews and positionality (personal knowledge) through varied and engaging learning experiences.

The Kapow Primary Religion and worldviews scheme follows the spiral curriculum model, where units and lessons are carefully sequenced so that previous conceptual knowledge is returned to and built upon.

Children progress by developing and deepening their knowledge and understanding of substantive and disciplinary concepts by experiencing them in a range of contexts. This can be seen in the Religion and worldviews: Progression of knowledge and skills.


The expected impact of following the Kapow Primary Religion and worldviews scheme of work is that children will:
● Meet the relevant Early learning goals at the end of EYFS (Reception) and the End of Key stage 1 and Key stage 2 requirements from the Curriculum framework for Religious Education for England.
● Know and understand religious concepts relating to beliefs, practices, community and belonging, and wisdom and guidance.
● Develop an understanding of the influence of organised and personal worldviews on individuals, communities, countries and globally.
● Understand some of the ways religions and worldviews are studied (disciplinary knowledge).
● Develop understanding of their relationship with the content studied, being able to talk about their assumptions and preconceptions (personal knowledge). ● Build secure vocabulary which allows them to talk confidently and fluently about their learning.
● Answer questions about worldviews through an enquiry-based approach including investigating, interpreting, evaluating, applying and expressing.
● Talk about the similarities and differences between their own and others’ beliefs with respect and open mindedness.
● Understand the lived experiences of religious and non-religious worldviews to be diverse within and between people and communities.
● Develop an understanding of the ways in which personal and organised worldviews may develop and change across time and place.

Measuring Impact

At Manor we celebrate the creative, expressive, nontangible elements of such a broad and all-encompassing subject therefore we will measure RE impact through:

  • Monitoring of the curriculum and its successful delivery and implementation.
  • Monitoring the adaptions to the curriculum which better reflect the needs and risks of our community in the context of our school location and general demographic.
  • Monitoring and celebration of pupils work books and wider output forms.
  • Monitoring and celebration of dynamic and creative class 'Evidence Floor Books' as an expression of pupil's engagement, achievement, thoughts and understanding of subjects, themes and topics explored.
  • RE Subject Lead & School Leadership Team learning walks and 'book looks'.
  • Pupil voice as an expression and celebration of intent, implementation and impact.
  • End of unit and end of year assessment tasks.
  • Data based ‘teacher judgments’ demonstrating cohort achievement and progression.

 Our Curriculum

Long Term Plan


Knowledge & Skills ProgressionNational Curriculum Mapping

MPS - RE Policy 2024